
FarmSense Blog - Regenerative Agriculture and Almonds

Is Regenerative Agriculture the Lifeline for the US Almond Industry?

Is Regenerative Agriculture the Lifeline for the US Almond Industry?

The United States almond industry, which is primarily based in California, has thrived for decades, making the US the world’s leading producer of almonds. However, this booming industry — valued at nearly $6 billion — is now facing grave challenges, from prolonged drought conditions to depleting soil health. While many see these challenges as threats to the industry’s future, there is a silver lining. Regenerative agriculture may just be the lifeline the US almond industry needs to ensure its longevity and sustainability. That’s why we decided to answer the question: is regenerative agriculture the lifeline for the US almond industry in this month’s blog article.

The Current State of the US Almond Industry

Before we delve into solutions to sustain the commercial almond industry, let’s take a look at the problems. California, which produces about 80% of the world’s almonds, is grappling with severe water scarcity, causing alarm among farmers and consumers alike. Conventional farming practices have exacerbated soil degradation, making the land less resilient to climate changes, and reducing its water-retaining capacity. In March 2023, the US Drought Monitor stated that 36% of California was experiencing moderate-severe drought conditions.

In addition to climatological conditions, the monocropping nature of almond farms can lead to a decrease in soil fertility, increased susceptibility to pests, and a heavier reliance on chemical inputs. Monocropping or monoculture is the practice of growing a single crop species over an extensive area of land, year after year, without significant rotation of other crops. This practice can often leave the delicate balance of an ecosystem disturbed, and with intensifying climate change effects, the industry’s very foundation appears to some experts as troubled.

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

A buzzword frequently tossed around with the likes of “sustainability”, regenerative agriculture is a holistic farming approach aimed at revitalizing the health of the soil and the entire ecosystem. Instead of just sustaining, it attempts to regenerate. Regenerative agriculture dates to the 1980’s and was first introduced by the Rodale Institute. There are numerous ideologies surrounding best practices when it comes to implementing regenerative agriculture, but a systematic review published by Wageningen University found these four key principles to be most consistent across the various ideologies:

  1. Enhance and improve soil health
  2. Optimize resource management
  3. Alleviation of climate change 
  4. Improve water quality and availability

If we specifically explore the enhancement of soil health aspect, regenerative agriculture protocols most often cite the following practices to improve and regenerate soil health and fertility:

  1. No-till or reduced tillage: Leaving soil undisturbed helps in preventing erosion and maintaining soil structure.
  2. Crop rotation and diversification: Changing crops prevents soil-borne diseases and breaks the pest cycles.
  3. Cover cropping: Plants grown to cover soil enhance its fertility and reduce weed growth.
  4. Composting and natural fertilization: Restores organic matter, improving soil’s nutrient content and water retention.

If you would like more information on the general themes of regenerative agriculture, we recommend checking out our four-part series on the topic.

How Can Regenerative Agriculture Benefit Commercial Almond Farms? 

In the face of contemporary challenges such as water scarcity and soil degradation, regenerative agriculture emerges as a beacon of hope for almond farming. At its core, regenerative agriculture emphasizes the revival of soil health, aiming to restore its vitality and promote its natural ability to support life. Almond orchards, particularly those in regions prone to drought, can significantly benefit from the water retention capacities of a robust, regenerated soil. The organic matter enriched through regenerative practices allows the soil to hold onto moisture, ensuring that almond trees receive the hydration they need — even in dryer conditions.

Moreover, regenerative agriculture promotes the integration of diverse crops and practices like cover cropping. Introducing such variety can attract a spectrum of beneficial organisms, from insects that naturally ward off pests to microorganisms that boost soil health. This biodiverse environment can help reduce the almond farmer’s reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers, leading to more natural, healthier, and sustainable almond production. In essence, by embracing regenerative methodologies, almond farmers can help fortify their orchards against the unpredictable nature of climate change while simultaneously yielding high-quality produce.

Beneficial Species and Almond Farming

In the intricate dance of almond cultivation, certain species have leading roles in ensuring a successful harvest. Perhaps the most renowned is the honey bee. Almond trees require cross-pollination, and honey bees are the primary agents for this task. Each year, beekeepers from all over the country transport their hives to California’s almond orchards, facilitating the pollination of over 1.6 million acres of almond trees. But bees aren’t the only allies. Beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and spiders help control pest populations. Ground-nesting birds, too, play their part by feeding on harmful insects. Moreover, the presence of owls and raptors can help control rodent populations. By understanding and fostering the symbiotic relationships with these species, almond farmers can reduce their reliance on chemical pesticides and ensure a more harmonious and sustainable growth environment for their trees.

The Future of Almonds with Regenerative Agriculture

Imagine almond orchards buzzing with life, with cover crops between tree rows and a myriad of beneficial insects ensuring natural pest control. Imagine soils rich in organic matter, capable of retaining moisture even during the driest months. This is not a utopian dream but a possibility with regenerative agriculture.

A complete transition of this scale will not be without its challenges and commitment of time. It requires a shift in mindset, investment in education, and sometimes, initial financial outlays. But the long-term benefits – both economic and ecological – are undeniable.

Farmers, industry stakeholders, and policymakers need to come together to promote and adopt these regenerative practices. Grants, subsidies, and educational programs can play a pivotal role in easing this transition.

The Takeaway

The US almond industry, even in the face of significant challenges, has a potential secret weapon in regenerative agriculture. By embracing these practices, we are not just ensuring the future of almond farming but also taking a step towards a more sustainable and resilient agricultural landscape. The almonds of the future can be more than just nutritious snacks; they can be symbols of a regenerative and harmonious relationship with nature. For more information around the role FarmSense is playing in the sustainability of commercial agriculture, visit




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